Find below the list of Stratford’s policies:
Council has established a number of policies to provide guidance to staff when carrying out their duties on behalf of residents.
Policy # 2009-RC-01 Parks, Playing Fields and Facilities Use Policy
The Parks, Playing Fields and Facilities Use Policy sets the conditions and rates for booking Town parks, playing fields and facilities.
Policy # 99-FA-01 Donations Policy
Amended Policy# 99-FA-01 - Donations Policy
The Donations Policy establishes nominal donation amounts for assistance to residents who travel out of province to represent the community, province or country and to support tournaments and events held in Stratford.
Policy # 3 - Achievement Awards
The Achievement Awards Policy establishes a process to recognize teams and individuals whose achievements have brought the Town widespread recognition.
Policy # 4 - Proclamations
The Proclamations Policy sets out responsibilities and procedures for the issuance of Proclamations.
Policy # 5 - Access to Information
The Access to Information policy sets out which items shall be disclosed and which items shall not be disclosed upon request by members of the public.
Policy # 2010-FA-01 - Travel and Meal Allowance
The purpose of this policy is to establish acceptable measures to reimburse Town officials and employees for travel and meal expenses.
Policy # 7 - Inspection of Town Owned Property
The Inspection of Town Owned Property Policy mandates regular
inspections of Town owned property to help ensure the safety of property
Policy # 8 - Utility Collections
The Utility Collections Policy sets out the process for the collection of overdue utility customer accounts.
Policy # 2006-ED-01 - Newsletter and Annual Report
The Newsletter and Annual Report Policy sets out the publication time and distribution methods for Town newsletters, the annual; report and town publications.
Policy # 10 - Sexual Harassment
The Sexual Harassment Policy is intended to educate employees about
sexual harassment to prevent any sexual harassment from occurring in the
workplace and, if necessary, to deal with any reported cases of sexual
harassment that may occur.
Policy # 2006-SS-01 - Street Light
The Street Light Policy sets the standard for the number and intensity of street lights in the Town depending on the type of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the process for the installation of new street lights. Requests for street lights in existing residential subdivisions must be submitted in writing to the Town.
Policy # 2011-RC-01 - Arts and Acquisition
Policy # 14 - Issuing of Keys to Town Facilities
The Issuing of Keys to Town Facilities Policy establishes a system to manage the issuance of keys for Town facilities.
Policy # 15 - Take Over of Existing Water Systems
The Take Over of Existing Water Systems Policy establishes the criteria under which the Stratford Utility Corporation will accept ownership of private water systems.
Policy # 2016-FT-01 - Sustainable Procurement
The Procurement Policy establishes guidelines to help ensure fair, cost effective and cost efficient purchasing for the Town.
Policy # 2007-FA-01 - Segregation of Duties
The Segregation of Duties Policy distributes functions of staff who deal with the Town’s finances and who handle cash to help ensure the integrity of the Town’s finances.
Policy #2009-SU-01 - Customer Capital Contribution
The Stratford Utility Corporation initiated a policy of charging customers a portion of the cost of extending water and sewer services to areas of the Town presently served by on site servicing.
Policy #19 - Water Valve Service Box
The policy sets incentives to move water valve service boxes where they conflict with the proposed location of a driveway.
Policy # 20 Ultra Violet Light
The policy provides residents who experience water quality problems in their on-site wells with monetary compensation towards the installation of ultra violet disinfection lights.
Policy # 2007-HR-01 - Employee Wellness Fund
The Employee Wellness Fund Policy establishes a fund to pay for 50% of staff wellness activities to a maximum of $200 per year per employee in recognition of the value of increased employee health and wellness which will result in employees who are able to function better at home and at work.
Policy # 2012-PH01 Parkland and Open Space
The policy sets the principles for the need for consistency in how parkland and acquisition tools are applied within the community, for openness and transparency, for predictability in actions, and for mutual respect between players in the development process.
Policy # 23 - Authorization and Permitted Use of Town Credit Cards
The policy establishes procedures to ensure that all Town credit cards are properly authorized and are used in accordance with the guidelines contained in this policy.
Policy # 2000-HR-01 - Personnel Policy
The Personnel Policy establishes employment terms and conditions such as hours of work, retirement benefits, vacation leave, paid holidays and sick leave.
Policy # 25 - Street Naming and Numbering
The Street Naming and Numbering Policy provides guidance on the selection of street names and establishes how civic numbers are to be assigned.
Policy 2015-AE-01, Commemorative Naming
The Commemorative Naming Policy sets out the process by which the Stratford Town Council will consider the commemoration of persons, groups or events through the naming of parks, places or infrastructure within the Town.
Policy # 27 - Operating and Capital Budget Process
The Operating and Capital Budget Process Policy establishes a process
for the development and adoption of the annual operating budget and five
year capital budget for the Town.
Policy # 28 - Capital Project Fund
The Capital Project Fund Policy stipulates that Council shall allocate an amount annually to the Capital Project Fund and allocate any operating surplus to the Capital Project Fund
Policy # 29 - Disposition of Assets
The Disposition of Assets Policy establishes guidelines for the disposition of surplus assets.
Policy # 30 - Town Crest
The Town Crest Policy sets out a process for the approval of the use of the Town’s Crest by persons or organizations.
Policy # 2002-HR-01 - Storm Closure
The Storm Closure Policy establishes the policy for the closure or delayed opening of Town offices in the event of a severe storm.
Policy # 2001-HR-02 - Employee Service Awards
The Employee Service Awards Policy was established to provide recognition for employees who are long serving with the Town.
Policy # 2002-PH-01 - National Building Code
The National Building Code Policy establishes a requirement for buildings that fall under the scope of Part 3 of the National Building Code to be designed by a registered professional architect and/or engineer to meet the requirements of the code.
Policy # 2000-FA-01 - Community Group Support
The policy sets out the budget that will be established annually to provide support to not-for-profit community groups and donations.
Policy # 2000-RC-01 - Coaching Code of Conduct
The policy has been developed to aid coaches, including 'Team Leadership Staff' such as managers, trainers, equipment personnel etc., in achieving a level of behaviour.
Policy # 2004-RC-01- Town Centre Wall Themes
The Town Centre Wall Themes Policy designates locations in the public areas in the Town Centre to celebrate Heritage, Recreation and Sport, Community and Cultural and Awards of Distinction.
Policy # 2004-HR-01 - Employee Computer Purchase Plan
The Employee Computer Purchase Plan allows employees and Council members to purchase a computer for home use with the cost deducted from the employee pay or council remuneration over a 3 year period with interest at the Town’s short term borrowing rate to encourage staff and council members to become and remain proficient with the use of computers.
Policy # 2004-FA-01 - Fixed Asset Capitalization and Depreciation
The Fixed Asset Capitalization and Depreciation Policy establishes a standard for recording, tracking and depreciating the Town’s fixed assets.
Policy # 40 - Distribution of Council and Committee Agendas and Materials
The Distribution of Council and Committee Agendas and Materials Policy sets out time lines and recipients for the distribution of Council and Committee agenda packages.
Policy # 2010-PH-01 Heritage Policy
The Town of Stratford has identified a cooperative vision for heritage protection based on property owner buy in.
Policy # 42 - Council Laptop
The policy establishes the terms and conditions that guides the provision of laptops to Town Councillors.
Policy # 2004-FA-01 - Recording of Meetings
The Recording of Meetings Policy provides guidance for the preparation of agendas and the recording of minutes of the various Town meetings.
Policy # 44 - Scent Free
The Scent Free Policy designates Town owned facilities as scent free locations for the safety of users and staff who may have a sensitivity to scented products like perfumes, aftershave and hairspray.
Policy # CW011-2023 - Correspondence Policy
The Correspondence Policy provides guidance on the receipt and distribution of incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Policy # 2013-FT-01 Tax Rate Policy
The Municipal Tax Rate Policy is part of the Town of Stratford Results Matter Strategic initiatives, it was determined that a priority for the Town of Stratford would be to provide the lowest residential tax rate to our residents based on other comparable Town’s on PEI that provide the same type of services as the Town of Stratford.
Policy # 2004-HR-01 - Hiring Policy (Repealed Dec 8, 2021 - See CAO Bylaw # 53)
The Hiring Policy establishes the process for the recruitment and selection of Town employees.
Policy # 2004-FA-02 Operational Plan
Policy # 2004-SU-01 Stratford Utility Corporation Un-Serviced Area Capital Contribution
Policy # 2005-HR-01 - Employee Background Check
The Employee Background Check Policy establishes a requirement to conduct criminal record checks for all permanent employees and for seasonal employees who work with youth or seniors or who handle money to protect the youth, seniors and integrity of the Town’s finances.
Policy # 2005-PH-01 - Wind Energy
The Wind Energy Policy sets out the Town’s policy to encourage and regulate the installation of wind energy systems on properties in Stratford.
Policy # 2006-CW-01 - Council Per Diem and Meeting Stipend
The Council Per Diem and Meeting Stipend Policy sets the amount of the Council per diem for representing the Town and the stipend Council members receive for attending Council and for Chairing regular committee meetings pursuant to the Council Remuneration Bylaw.
Policy # 2007-FA-02 - Sick Leave Accrual
The Sick Leave Accrual Policy sets out the method of accrual of employee sick leave for the Town’s financial statements because employees may accumulate sick leave and be paid for up to 75 days of unused sick time if they have accumulated at least 150 days of sick leave upon retirement which is a financial liability that must be reported.
Policy # 2007-PH-01 - Notice of Decision
The Notice of Decision Policy sets out the process for notifying members of the public about planning related decisions.
Policy # 2007-RC-01 Tobacco Free
Policy # 2008-ED-01 - Sustainable Building Design Tax Incentive
The Sustainable Building Design Tax Incentive Policy establishes a tax incentive to encourage more sustainable building design for commercial, industrial, high density residential and institutional buildings in the Town.
Policy # 2008-FA-01 - Records Management
The Records Management Policy sets out a process for the management and preservation of the Town’s records to help ensure that information is managed efficiently, destroyed or preserved as determined by Council and accessible to those who need access to the records.
Policy # 2009-FA-01 - Computer Network Acceptable Use
The Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy establishes acceptable use of the Town’s computing, email, internet and network facilities to help ensure the integrity of the Town’s computer network facilities.
Policy # 2009-FA-02 Tangible Capital Asset
Policy # 2009-SSE-01 - Sustainability Decision Making Framework Application Checklist
The Sustainability Decision Making Framework Application Checklist Policy sets out guidelines for the application of the Sustainability Decision Making Framework which is designed to ensure that the Town moves continuously towards a more sustainable future.
Policy # 2010-HR-01 Occupational Health and Safety
2014-CW-01-Council Per Diem & Stipend
2015-CW-01, Sub-Committee Terms of Reference
The Sub-Committee Terms of Reference Policy outlines the establishment and participation guidelines for all Town sub-committees.
Public Art RCE-002-2019
Community Campus Land Lease Request , Policy # 2021-RCE-01
Policy #2022-SS-01 Temporary Speed Hump Installation
To ensure objective and consistent application of speed humps as a means of traffic calming, the Temporary Speed Hump Installation Policy provides a means for residents to make a request and for it to be evaluated by the Town of Stratford upon doing so.