Community Gardens Landscape 
Get rooted in Stratford Community Gardens!

The Stratford Community Gardens first opened in 2013 thanks to a partnership between the Town of Stratford and the Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group and funding from Wal-Mart Evergreen Fund.  In 2017, the gardens were expanded to include an additional 30 plots due to the high demand from residents for more plots. In 2021, the Bunbury gardens were further expanded to include 16 additional plots and in 2022, a satellite garden in Stonington was created to include 6 plots. These expansions were funded by the Rotary Club of Charlottetown Royalty.Beets

Today, the gardens have 93 various-sized plots available to residents and community organizations. The sizes are as follows:

Small Beds (6'x12') - $30/season
Small Raised Beds (4'x12') - $30/season
Large Beds (10'x12' or 10'x16') - $40/season
Stonington Plots* (6'x12') - $15/season
*Note: These do not have access to water or shared tools.

We now run at full capacity each year, but don’t be discouraged! We keep a waiting list for those who are interested in having a plot and we do our best to try and accommodate anyone who wants to garden.

Garden No previous knowledge or equipment is required to rent a plot.  All the tools that you will need (water, wheelbarrow, rake, hand tools, etc.) are provided with your registration and made available to you at the Community Gardens.

The season runs seasonally from approximately May 15th to October 31st each year.  Plots are allocated beginning in January.  

Rules and Guidelines for Gardeners: Garden Handbook 2025

Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Garden

Located beside the garden shed is a large Monarch Butterfly andButterfly Pollinator Garden built in 2019 by the Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group with funding from TD Friends of the Environment Fund to provide habitat to the at-risk Monarch Butterfly.  Please enjoy this beautiful habitat at a distance. For more information on this garden, click here.

Contact Us

If you are interested in renting a plot or just want to ask a question please email [email protected] or call 902-218-3336 or stop by the Stratford Town Centre in person.

The Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group has a Community Gardens Page on their website as well. Check it out here

Discover the beginning of the Stratford Community Gardens through the images below:




