The Town of Stratford is committed to respecting the natural environment entrusted to us for present and future generations. The town provides financial and administrative support for the work of the Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group (SAWIG) which was incorporated in 2009 by a group of community members concerned with the health and sustainability of the Stratford area watershed.
The watershed group began with meetings among interested area residents and began work on an area watershed management plan. Community participants included members of the agricultural sector, landowners, government representatives, as well as various local organizations and businesses. The result of public meetings was a list of concerns and goals to be addressed by the watershed group. This ongoing process of community consultation creates new opportunities for volunteer participation and changes to the watershed management plan based on input from residents.
With all aspects of life depending on the health of our water resources, it is imperative that every effort be made to enhance and improve water quality. All flora and fauna in the region are connected to the watershed, and any activity performed; therefore, has an impact on the entire system. Given this interconnection, it is crucial that the town be aware of watershed management plans in its planning and implementation of economic development plans.

Pictured left: Carbon Sampling at Salt Marsh
Pictured top right: Staff Deployed Bird Song Metre
Pictured bottom right: SAWIG staff and volunteers at Tree Planting Site