A program to find and share best practices to reduce Stratford’s carbon footprint. The Stratford in Action booklet is now available, find your copy here.
Stratford In Action Booklet
The Town of Stratford has partnered with ECOPEI in a project called “Stratford in Action”, this project recently received financial support from the Eco Action Program. The project goals are to provide Stratford residents with a resource book of practical ways to reduce their carbon footprint, to use this resource book as the basis for carbon reduction seminars in the fall of 2009, and to share this resource book with other P.E.I. Municipalities in the future. It is hoped that residents from at least fifty households in Stratford will volunteer to contribute to this project, ideally, many more residents will volunteer to contribute to town efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.
Stratford in Action aims to identify reductions in the consumption of 6,400 litres home heating oil, 9,200 litres of gasoline, 24,000 KWHs of electricity use and save 984,000 litres of water use on an annual basis; these actions will result in the reduction of our carbon footprint by 60 tonnes CO2 equivalent and also result in significant financial savings for residents from the achievement of the project goals.
The Stratford in Action project committee is led by Project Coordinator Rod Dempsey of ECOPEI, Kate McDonald and Don Mazer from ECOPEI, Kirk Brown, Energy Expert, Brenda Penak, P.E.I. DEEF, Stratford resident Aaron Hansen, and Doug Deacon, Sustainable Economic Development Coordinator for the Town of Stratford. For more information on Stratford in Action please contact Doug Deacon at 367-3605 or [email protected].