The role of the Finance and Technology Committee is:
- to ensure good financial stewardship through the development and implementation of a performance based budgeting system for the town and town entities and by making public engagement a central component of the process;
- to monitor the expenditures of the town and town entities;
- to oversee the development and implementation of sustainable purchasing policies and methods;
- to act as the audit committee for the town and for town entities and to make recommendations regarding best practices for accounting;
- to plan and implement technology solutions to support the work of the town including communications, computer hardware and software solutions;
- to oversee the operation of the Stratford Seniors complex;
- to develop and enhance partnerships with individuals, organizations, corporations and governments to improve financial stewardship and information technology deployment; and
- to provide advice to council on matters relating to financial stewardship and information technology.
Committee Members
- Chair - Councillor Jody Jackson
- Vice-Chair - Councillor Jeff MacDonald
- Anthony Aucoin
- Denis Bergevin
- Les Parsons
- Roger MacDonald
- Lynn Randall