Media Release: Stratford Council Passes First Reading of Zoning and Development Bylaw
For Immediate Release: November 14, 2018
The Town of Stratford's new Zoning and Development Bylaw passed first reading at this evening's monthly council meeting. The Town recently completed a review of the Bylaw which has been ongoing since the spring of 2016. After much public consultation with Stratford residents, the business community and stakeholders, along with a legal review, the document has been updated to reflect the Town's Official Plan which was approved in the fall of 2014. Pursuant to the Planning Act all municipalities must review their Official Plan and Bylaws every five years.
"After almost three years of work by this council we are pleased to be able to finish our term with the anticipated approval of this bylaw next week," commented Stratford Mayor David Dunphy. "I would like to thank all who participated throughout this process in the numerous opportunities to provide feedback both in person or in writing, and to the work of this council and staff in compiling that feedback into this new bylaw".
A Special Council Meeting will be held at 4:30pm on Wednesday, November 21st to hold second reading and potential adoption of the bylaw.
Highlights from the new bylaw as derived from the Official Plan include allowing for more diversity in the Town's overall housing inventory with the allowance for smaller lot sizes, a broader range of permitted uses, and a new allowance for secondary suites.
As well, to align with other municipal and provincial legislation a number of new items were required to be include in the new bylaw including:
- Allowing for cannabis retail operations
- Digital reader board signage
- New election signage provisions
- More defined child care uses
- New agricultural-related uses
- The incorporation of the Stratford Business Park Development Standards
Planning staff will be reviewing the Town's Official Plan against the new bylaw to ensure that both are in agreeance with each other and any necessary changes identified be made to the Official Plan. This final work is targeted to be completed in early in 2019. The Zoning and Development Bylaw will also need to be approved by the Province of PEI's Minister of Communities, Land and Environment.
"Completion of this bylaw will allow the Town of Stratford to continue to move forward," said Councillor and Chair of Planning, Development and Heritage Keith MacLean. "There are many changes in the bylaw which residents, developers and land owners have been asking for and which will continue to enhance the wonderful community we live and work in".
For more information please contact:
Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
Phone: (902) 569-1995
Email: [email protected]
A copy of the bylaw is available here: Zoning and Development Bylaw #45 FINAL-Nov14 2018
A copy of the zoning map is available here: Stratford Zoning Map Nov 2018