Media Release – Stratford to Host Natural Areas Workshop
Posted on 01/18/2017

For Immediate Release: January 13, 2017

The Town of Stratford would like to invite residents and other interested stakeholders to a Natural Areas Workshop being held January 23-24, 2017 from 8 am -12 noon at the Stratford Town Centre. "As part of our sustainability vision, Stratford is dedicated to acquiring, preserving, and protecting natural areas for their valuable ecological assets," says Robert Hughes, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Stratford. The workshop is the first step in this process with a goal of developing a Natural Area Lens that can be used by Stratford and other communities to identify natural areas for protection, and tools, techniques and partnerships for the acquisition, preservation and stewardship of those natural areas. Stratford has also invited subject matter experts, various environment and active transportation organizations and other municipalities to collaborate on this project. There is no registration fee, and participants are welcome to attend one or both days of the workshop.

The first day will consist of a wide array of guest presentations on the value of watersheds and environmental stewardship, the integration of natural spaces into urban landscapes, ecological assets, the Natural Area Protection Act, and the Ecological Gift Program. The second day will involve a facilitated collaboration to develop the Natural Area Lens and recommended tools, techniques and partnerships for the acquisition, preservation and stewardship of Natural Areas that are identified via the application of the lens.

For more information, please contact Kelley Farrar, Watershed Coordinator, at (902) 367-3605 / [email protected] or visit our website at


For more information please contact:

Erin Clarke, Community Engagement Coordinator
Town of Stratford
T: (902) 569-6921
E: [email protected]