Media Release: Stratford Council Approves Sustainable Procurement Policy
Posted on 11/10/2016

For Immediate Release: November 9, 2016

Stratford Council Approves Sustainable Procurement Policy

The Stratford Town Council voted tonight to adopt a Sustainable Procurement Policy. The new policy replaces the former Procurement Policy and includes the addition of a local preference provision, alignment of the Town of Stratford's purchasing practices with Town goals and aligns the purchasing thresholds with the Atlantic Procurement Agreement.

Under the new policy staff are encouraged to purchase quality goods and services at competitive rates while also considering key environmental and social benefits over the lifecycle of the product or service including such things as: energy and water efficiency, recyclability, biodegradability, durability, and minimal packaging. It also encourages supporting local businesses whereby a local preference clause has been added for purchases of up to $25,000 allowing a 5% preference for businesses located in Stratford.

"The local preference clause builds on the work of the Think!Stratford program," commented Mayor David Dunphy. "It shows that not only do we hope that our residents will ‘think Stratford' for their retail and service needs but show that we as a Town are willing to do the same."

The acquisition of goods and services between $2,500 and $25,000 will continue to require at least three quotations but preference can now be given to Stratford based businesses which meet the 5% threshold. To qualify a business must provide evidence when their quotation is submitted that it maintains a place of business by leasing or owning office, commercial, or industrial space or applicable residential space, in Stratford and maintained on an annual basis for the primary purpose of operating business.

"The overall updated policy incorporates our values as a Town with our purchasing policy and helps to ensure that we are continuing to be leaders when it comes to sustainable practices," added Mayor Dunphy.

For more information please contact:

Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
T: (902) 569-6921
E: [email protected]