Media Release: Special Town Council Meeting Summary (February 28, 2018)
Posted on 03/01/2018

For Immediate Release: February 28, 2018

At a special meeting of Stratford Town Council this evening, Council passed 1st reading of a resolution to approve a zoning bylaw amendment, as modified by Council, to rezone a portion of parcel number 327973 from the Waterfront Mixed Use Zone (WMU) to the Waterfront Residential Zone (WR), and to rezone a portion from the Waterfront Public Space Zone (WPS) to the Waterfront Residential Zone (WR). (See provided image)

After Stratford Town Council held a public meeting on January 3, 2018, where they heard concerns from residents on the original rezoning application, Council made modifications to the proposed zoning amendment to allow for more public park space on the waterfront within this area. The Town has an agreement in principle to purchase a portion of land on the waterfront side of the proposed development property which will allow for the additional green space on the waterfront.

Stratford Town Council also had to respect the land use map designation in considering the zoning request before them. The land in this zoning amendment, zoned as Waterfront Public Space Zone (WPS), was not publicly owned land and therefore Council acted to address resident concerns around green space and to preserve the vision for the area to the extent they were able to. The agreement will see the existing street, Michael Thomas Way, extended which will preserve the overall plan for the area.

The zoning bylaw amendment will now need to pass second reading and adoption at which time, if approved, will allow Pan American Properties Inc. the ability to apply for a permit to construct a 79 unit, 5 storey apartment building with underground parking.


For more information please contact:

Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
Phone: (902) 569-6921
Email: [email protected]

Town of Stratford

Proposed Rezoning Map

Printable Version: Media Release -Special Town Council Meeting Summary (February 28, 2018)