Budget Requests
Posted on 12/19/2019
Image of file folders with the title budget on one of themSend us your Stratford Budget Suggestions

Engaging residents and stakeholders in the decision-making process is an important part of our effort to build the best community possible. As we develop our 2020-21 budget we want to know your opinions on our spending priorities. Please let us know where you believe we need to spend more or less of your tax dollars and make any requests for spending. Stratford Town Council and staff will working over the coming weeks to prepare the 2020-21 budget and your requests/priorities should be received no later than January 24, 2020.

We will be presenting a draft budget at a public meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2020 where we will receive comments on and take questions from the public. Please join us.

Please send in your budget request details and estimated expense through the form below or directly to Kim O'Connell at: [email protected] before 4pm on January 24, 2020.
Budget Request Submission

Please submit your 2025-26 budget requests by January 6, 2025 at 3pm.


Email Address: 

Suggested Budget Item:  

Cost of Budget Item (if known): 

Details of Budget Item:


Security Measure