The streets in the Town are owned and maintained by the provincial Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal. Please call 368-4770 with inquiries or complaints about new culverts, blocked culverts, frost heaving in driveways and related matters.
Electric service is provided by Maritime Electric, a privately owned electric utility. Please call 1-800-670-1012 or email [email protected] for inquiries or complaints about electric service.
Municipal sewer service is provided to most properties in the town by the Infrastructure Department. Please call 569-4662 or email [email protected] for inquiries or complaints about municipal sewer service.
Waste collection
Solid waste is collected island wide by the Island Waste Management Corporation , a provincial crown corporation. A separate charge is levied by them directly on your property tax bill for this service. Black carts are provided for bi-weekly waste collection and green carts are provided for bi-weekly compost collection on alternate weeks. Recyclables are collected once a month. Please call toll free 1-888-280-8111 or email [email protected] to find out about carts, collection schedules, sorting or related information.

Municipal water service is provided to many properties in the town by the Infrastructure Department. Please call 569-4662 or email [email protected] for inquiries or complaints about municipal water service.