Media Release - Stratford Community Campus Land (November 26, 2020)
Posted on 11/26/2020
Image of the map of the area which has been purchased for the new Stratford Community CampusFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday November 26, 2020

The Town of Stratford is pleased to announce that we have signed purchase and sale agreements with two property owners to purchase approximately 170 acres of land for the planned Stratford Community Campus. The property is located between the Stratford Business Park and the Bunbury Road as shown on the attached map.

There are a number of conditions that must be satisfied before the land transaction can be completed including re-zoning the land from Agricultural (A1) to Public Service and Institutional (PSI), applying to bring a portion of the land within the town boundaries and completing an environmental assessment of the land. The landowners will also be applying to re-zone their remainder parcels as Single Family Residential R-1.

“We are pleased to see that the high school is included again in the recently tabled capital budget”, stated Mayor Ogden, “and we look forward to working with our provincial partners to locate the high school on the campus.”

The Stratford Community Campus will be developed over a period of years and will include the new high school, sport fields, multi-use courts, trails and a community wellness centre. There is also sufficient land for a junior high school in future. The total cost of the land was approximately $2.4 million. A portion will be sold to the province for the high school and a portion will be sold to the Stratford Business Park Corporation for an extension of the business park.

Later this week residents will have an opportunity to provide feedback on their priority spending areas through an online consultation, including looking at the development of infrastructure on the Stratford Community Campus. The cost of the land will not impact resident taxes but the development of the amenities on the site and other priority spending areas could impact tax rates in the future, depending on what residents indicate in the consultation.

We thank the property owners for agreeing to sell this land to the town for the Community Campus, which will serve the educational, recreational, and cultural needs of residents for many years to come.


For more information please contact:

Wendy Watts, Community & Business Engagement Manager
P: (902) 569-1995
E: [email protected]

Printable version: Media Release - Stratford Community Campus Land (November 26, 2020)