Media Release: Stratford Launches New Program to Recognize Good Deeds in the Community
Posted on 09/29/2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 29, 2020
The Town of Stratford today launched ‘Stratford Spirit’, a program designed to acknowledge the community spirit within the Town. Through this new program, residents are asked to identify other residents in the community who complete a good deed, in whatever shape, way or form they determine to be worthwhile, and are deserving of thanks for doing so.
“These good deeds can be anything from raking leaves for a neighbour, maintaining a beautiful garden or lawn, giving someone a free ride to an appointment, shoveling snow from a neighbour’s doorstep, to picking up groceries for an older resident in the community”, stated Mayor Steve Ogden, “and any other good deeds residents feel are relevant. The purpose is to make sure nobody’s hard work goes unnoticed”.
Residents in Stratford can fill out a form on the Town’s website with the information of the person they wish to thank and the Mayor will personally write a handwritten note to this resident to thank them for their hard work in the community.
“This is really a ‘feel-good’ initiative undertaken by the Town for the community. We are constantly reminded of the challenges that lie ahead of us with COVID-19, but the reality is that these hard times have also shown us the resilience, determination and strength of our community, and Islanders in general”, added the Mayor. “The Town is simply looking to celebrate the everyday achievements of its residents, big or small, and pass along our appreciation to these champions of the Town”.
To participate, you must be a resident of Stratford. For more information or to recognize a fellow resident, please visit and fill out the online form.
For more information please contact:
Jade Veera, Engagement and Research Coordinator
Town of Stratford Phone: (902) 569-1995
Email: [email protected]
Wendy Watts, Community & Business Engagement Manager
Town of Stratford
T: (902) 569-1995 E: [email protected]