Media Release: June 12, 2019 Council Meeting Summary
For Immediate Release: June 13, 2019
The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council.
Noise and Nuisance Exemption
Council passed a resolution to allow a family wedding to take place on Prospect Drive in June of 2020. The exemption is granted from June 20, 2020 until 1:00am on June 21, 2020.
Public Art Policy
Council approved a Public Art Policy which recognizes that arts and culture contribute to the quality of life for residents and the enjoyment of visitors. Under the new policy the Town will ensure a stable funding mechanism to initiate, develop, acquire, manage and maintain public art and is expected to begin in the 2020-21 capital budget.
Allocation of Funds
The Town of Stratford has an estimated $332,706 in unspent funding from the existing (2014-2019) New Deal for Cities and Communities program from the following projects, plus estimated uncommitted funds of $8,068:
• Fullerton’s Park $95,162
• Sidewalk construction $77,502
• Trail Construction $27,803
• Kinlock Beach extension $3,616
• Core Area Development $102,700
• Traffic Calming $7,923
• Building Repairs $18,000
• Uncommitted Funds $8,068
Total Available Funds $340,774
The Town also has an allocation of $5,529,043 in new funding from the 2019/20 to 2023/24 New Deal for Cities and Communities Program, together with the $340,774 outlined above, total $5,869,817 which will be allocated to the following projects that were approved in the 2019/20 to 2023/24 five-year capital plan:
• Active Transportation $1,750,000
• EMS Facility Energy & Recreation $1,040,000
• Michael Thomas Way Road $580,000
• Town Centre Renovations $505,000
• Waterfront Park $1,000,000
• Street Lighting $75,000
• Recreation Projects $25,000
• Core Area Development $576,817
• Welcome Centre Project $300,000
• Mason Road Fieldhouse Project $18,000
Total Available Funds $5,869,817
Graduation Award
A resolution was approved to again donate funds for two graduation prizes to be awarded to graduating students from Charlottetown Rural High School. The first award of $300 is to be granted to a graduating Stratford student who is actively involved with the community of Stratford - a community ambassador, and the second award of $300 is to be presented to a deserving student who has shown a sustainable commitment to the community.
Stratford Seniors Complex Social Fund
Council approved an annual donation of $500 to the Stratford Seniors Complex to be used at their discretion towards social events for the tenants of the building.
Fees Bylaw Revision
A resolution was approved to amend the fee schedule within the Fees Bylaw, Bylaw #39, to change the age of the seniors discount from 60 to 55 to align with other programs such as the 55+ games as well as in consultation with other municipalities across Canada.
Utility Loan Renewal
Council approved a tender for an existing loan from 2008, currently in the amount of $313,600, and awarded RBC as the lowest submission with an amortization of 5 years remaining for a 5 year term at a rate of 2.61%.
Commercial Development Approved at 19 Irving Avenue
An application from APM Commercial to construct a 35,000 sq. ft. commercial building on parcel number 398677, located at 19 Irving Avenue, was given preliminary approval. The approval is subject to a number of conditions including conformance with the conceptual drawing submitted and all other plan requirements and relevant provisions within the Town of Stratford Zoning and Development Bylaw, Bylaw #45.
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PH008-2019 - Attachment 002
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Two Storey Daycare Building Approved
An application from 101846 PEI Inc. was approved which will allow for construction of a two storey, 2760 sq. ft. building at 251 Mason Road to be constructed for use as a daycare. The approval is subject to the conditions outlined within the approved resolution as well as meeting all other relevant provisions within the Town of Stratford Zoning and Development Bylaw, Bylaw #45.
PH009-2019 - Attachment
PH009-2019 - Attachments2
Street Name Approved
The street name Bryer Jones Court was approved for a new subdivision to be located at 262 Stratford Road. The Town’s Heritage Sub-Committee suggested the name to recognize the history of the property and honour the original property owners.
Application to Subdivide Approved
A resolution was approved to subdivide approximately 4.32 acres located at 183 Creekside Drive within the Eastern Realties Subdivision into 3 lots. The two new lots will be accessed via an existing private right-of-way.
Code of Conduct Bylaw – 1st Reading
Council held first reading of the Code of Conduct Bylaw, Bylaw #46, which sets minimum expectations for the behaviour of members of Council in carrying out their functions and making decisions that benefit the Town of Stratford. It provides guidance for Council members for general conduct, confidential information, disclosure of interests, gifts, municipal property, reimbursable expenses, election campaigns, business relations and relations with staff. It also sets out a process to be followed if there is a complaint about a breach of the code of conduct.
Council Procedural Bylaw – 1st Reading
First reading of the Council Procedural Bylaw, Bylaw #47, was held. The bylaw sets out the procedures to be followed by Council, Council Committees and staff for Council and Council Committee meetings. It applies to all members of Council, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), members of Council committees, town employees, those who appear before Council, and members of the general public. It establishes when and how meetings are scheduled and members of the public are notified, when meetings can be closed to the public, electronic participation in meetings, meeting procedures and agendas, quorums and voting, public presentations and delegations, conduct during meetings, points of privilege, motions and debate, and bylaw adoption procedures. It also establishes the terms of reference and membership of Council committees and subcommittees and continues the practice of the Town to have 2 Council and 5 citizen members of standing committees to provide advice and recommendations to Council, and establishes the Stratford Utility Corporation as a separate legal entity that operates seamlessly within town operations.
Conflict of Interest Bylaw – 1st Reading
This bylaw provides a definition of conflict of interest and the procedures for Council and Council Committee members to report a conflict of interest, a mechanism for complaints, and the sanctions that can be imposed by Council for a failure to disclose a conflict of interest. First reading was held of the Conflict of Interest Bylaw, Bylaw #48 at Wednesday’s meeting.
*Copies of the three bylaws are available
Special Council Meeting Date
A resolution was approved to hold a Special Council Meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 4:30pm to allow for the second reading and potential adoption of the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, Council Procedural Bylaw and Conflict of Interest Bylaw as outlined under the Municipal Government Act of PEI requiring their adoption before the end of June 2019.
Land Transfer
An internal land transfer was passed by resolution which sees the transfer of land from the Stratford Business Park Corporation to the Town of Stratford for the Emergency Services Facility which is under construction.
For more information please contact:
Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
Phone: (902) 569-1995
[email protected]
Printable version:
Media Release - Stratford Town Council Meeting Summary (June 13, 2019)