Media Release: April 10, 2019 Council Meeting Summary
For Immediate Release: April 11, 2019
The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council.
7 Lot Subdivision Deferred
Council voted in favour of deferring a decision on a proposed 7 lot subdivision containing all duplex, semi-detached and townhouse units within the Medium Density Zone (R2) at 262 Stratford Road until the May monthly town council meeting.
Committee Member Appointment
Council approved a resolution to appoint Malcolm MacKenzie to the Infrastructure Committee for the remainder of the current term ending November 30, 2020.
Grass Cutting Tender Awarded
The tender for grass cutting services received four responses with Exact Lawn Care being awarded the 2019-2022 contract having provided the lowest overall price at $118,712.20, subject to the terms and conditions of the Independent Contractor Agreement. The agreement includes measures to evaluate the performance of the company throughout the contract period with an option from the Town of Stratford to cancel the contract subject to unsatisfactory performance.
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Application
Council passed a resolution allowing Town staff to proceed with applications for the following capital projects identified for ICIP funding in the 2019 and 2020 town five year capital plan, in priority order:
Priority Project Description Total Capital ICIP Funding Stream
1. Community School Campus - multi-purpose facility $15,000,000 recreation
2. Pumping Station Upgrades - Pondside/Bayside/Corrish $1,000,000 green - environmental quality
3. Kelly's Pond Watershed Restoration $307,600 green - adaption and resilience
4. Pondside Water Station Upgrades $290,000 green - environmental quality
5. Cotton Centre Energy Retrofits $38,100 green - climate change
6. Install Solar Energy System for Fullerton’s Marsh Pumping Station $453,100 green - climate change
7. Multi-Use Courts- Pondside Park $75,000 recreation
8. Decommission Reeves Estates Pump Station $500,000 green - environmental quality
9. Water Reservoir $700,000 green - environmental quality
10. Re-circulation pump for Splash Pad $100,000 green - environmental quality
11. Fullerton's Creek Washrooms/Natural Playground $240,000 recreation
12. Mason Road Shore Access $500,000 rural
13. Install Solar Energy System for Pondside/Altitude Valve $493,100 green - climate change
14. Reeves Estates Water Distribution Replacement $2,500,000 green - environmental quality
15. Langley Estates Sewer $750,000 green - environmental quality
Total $22,946,900
For more information please contact:
Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
Phone: (902) 569-6921
[email protected]
Printable Version:
Media Release - Stratford Town Council Meeting Summary (April 10 2019).pdf