Media Release: Stratford Town Council Meeting Summary (July 13, 2016)
Posted on 07/14/2016

July 13, 2016 Council Meeting Summary

For Immediate Release: July 14, 2016

The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council.

Integrated Software Application
Council approved a resolution to support an application to the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund for the Integrated Software system. This project was originally applied for under the Municipal Strategic Component of the New Deal fund but was not approved. The software will improve efficiency and reduce redundancy by consolidating a number of programs like accounting, program registration, facility booking, permitting and asset management into one package. The software will also improve the ability of residents and stakeholders to conduct their business with the town online.

Provincial Infrastructure Fund Application

Council approved a resolution to direct the 2016/17 Provincial Infrastructure Fund allocation of $150,000 to the Stratford Town Centre paving project ($50,000), the new tractor for trail and sidewalk maintenance ($50,000) and the Integrated Software Project ($50,000).

Aptos Pump station Upgrade
Council approved a resolution to award the contract for the Aptos Pumping Station upgrade to
Island Coastal Services Ltd. in the amount of $194,699.92 plus HST with the condition that the price be adjusted to $130,000 to come in on budget by reducing the amount of forcemain from 460 metres to 220 metres.

Salary Re-classification

Council approved a resolution to re-classify the position of Youth and Family Coordinator to Salary level 4 and that the position of Infrastructure Technician II to Salary level 5.5 to reflect the evolution of these positions due to the skill, experience and qualifications of the incumbents.


For more information please contact:
Robert Hughes, Chief Administrative Officer
Phone: (902) 569-6251
Email: [email protected]