Media Release: Stratford Town Council Meeting Summary (August 10, 2016)
Posted on 08/12/2016

For Immediate Release: August 11, 2016

The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council.

Georgetown Road Sidewalk, Bike Lane and Storm Sewer Construction 2016

Council approved a resolution to award the tender for the Georgetown Road Sidewalk, Bike Lane and Storm Sewer construction tender to Birt & MacKay Backhoe Services Ltd. in the amount of $580,915.60 (HST Included). This is a continuation of the sidewalk and bike lanes on the Georgetown Roads as part of the town's plan to install sidewalks and bike lanes on all of the high traffic roads in the town to facilitate and encourage active transportation.

Rezoning Request -29 Stratford Road

Council approved First Reading of an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw for 29 Stratford Road, involving a portion of PID #328021 (0.54 acres) from the Two-Family Residential Zone (R2) to the Multiple Family Residential Zone (R3) to accommodate a proposed apartment building. There were concerns expressed by members of the public and Council members that will be considered before second reading and adoption.

Fullerton Creek Trail Extension

Council approved a resolution to award the tender for the Fullerton Creek Trail Extension to MacRae Backhoeing Services in the amount of $58,797.78 (HST included). This is a continuation of the trail system in our large conservation park which connects directly to the Trans Canada Trail and allows residents and visitors to enjoy a nature walk or be able to ski in the winter.

Street Names

Council approved a resolution to name a new street in the Clearview Estates Subdivision as Helena Crescent in honour of the mother of the developers. Council also approved a resolution to name a new private right of way to be constructed off of Stratford Road on parcel No's. 847000 & 847392 as H. Beer Lane to honour a former distinguished resident of the area.

Maple Isle Homes proposed 5 unit townhouse dwelling

Council deferred the decision on a request from Maple Isle Homes to develop a 5 unit townhouse as a Conditional Use on parcel numbers 847400 and 847392 located on the Stratford Road behind the former Stogies Convenience store. Council wanted more time to look into concerns about stormwater and traffic safety that were raised by residents in attendance.


For more information please contact:

Robert Hughes, Chief Administrative Officer
Phone: (902) 569-6251
Email: [email protected]