Media Release: Town of Stratford Launches Showerhead Exchange Program
Posted on 11/28/2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 28, 2016

Town of Stratford Launches Showerhead Exchange Program

The Town of Stratford is pleased partner with the Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group to launch a Showerhead Exchange Program for Stratford Utility customers. The aim of the program is to replace residential showerheads with a newer, ultra low-flow showerhead.

"This program is another in a series of initiatives the Town has been working on," stated Mayor David Dunphy. "We are pleased to provide residents with a free low-flow showerhead to reduce our overall water usage in Stratford."

To qualify for the free showerhead residents must be an existing Stratford Utility customer and bring in their existing showerhead which uses over 3.0 GPM (gallons per minute). The water usage should be found directly on an existing showerhead. Those meeting the criteria will simply have their showerhead exchanged at no cost for the model the Town of Stratford is supplying. The model selected for this program is a Mainline Traditional Water Sense showerhead in a polished chrome finish. It is an ultra low-flow showerhead emitting water at only 1.75 GPM.

According to Environment Canada, showers and baths account for 35% of water usage in our homes. This is followed closely by toilet flushing at 30% which the Town's recently completed toilet rebate program worked to alleviate the water usage for toilets by residents. Replacing an older less efficient showerhead with a low-flow model can save a family of hour up to 100,000 liters of water per year.

"It is important for the Town of Stratford to continue to provide incentives for residents to reduce their water usage," commented Winston Maund, President of the Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group. "Residents in Stratford have shown in the past their commitment to reducing water usage through previous programs and we anticipate this showerhead exchange program to have quick uptake as well".

The current program will run until all of the showerheads available are exchanged. Residents are encouraged to check their showerheads and participate in this program by exchanging any in their homes that are not meeting the 3.0 GPM or lower standard. More information is available on the Town's website at or by stopping by Stratford Town Office.

For more information please contact:

Wendy Watts
Community Engagement Coordinator, Town of Stratford
T: (902) 569-6921
E: [email protected]

*Additional information can be found by clicking here.