FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, September 22, 2015
The Town of Stratford is preparing for the annual Stratford Community Expo takes place on Saturday morning from 8:00 to 11:00 am at Stratford Town Centre.
The Stratford Community Expo informs residents about many of the recreational opportunities and community services that exist in Stratford. The Expo will also provide residents the opportunity to register for or learn about numerous activities, clubs, groups, and sports offered in Stratford. Organizations taking part include the Stratford Youth Centre, fitness programs, Canadian Red Cross, library services, R.C.M.P., Stratford Citizens on Patrol, Scouts, Guides, Cadets, Basketball, GO!PEI, Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Humane Society, and many more.
Again this year the Stratford & Area Lions Club will be holding a Pancake Breakfast from 7:30 to 11:00 am in support of the Glen Stewart Primary and Stratford Elementary School Breakfast Programs with teachers and staff from both schools serving at the pancake breakfast. The cost is only $6.00 for adults, $4.00 for children under 10, or $20.00 per family. This is a great event and a very important fundraiser for the breakfast programs at our local schools.
The Stratford Farmers Market will be moving from its usual location at Cotton Park to join the activities at Stratford Town Centre. The market will operate from 8:00 am to noon with fresh local organic vegetables, bread, eggs, baked goods, preserves, crafts, giftware, and so much more. This is the last Saturday in 2015 for the Stratford Farmers Market.
Also back for another year is the always popular Par-T-Perfect who will be offering free face painting, balloon twisting and fun for children from 8:30 to 10:30 am.
In conjunction with the Stratford Community Expo are Culture Days events. The theme this year is the art of the written and spoken word. A full schedule of events is available on the Town of Stratford web page at There is no cost to attend any Culture Days event and during the Community Expo between 9:00 to 11:30 am, three Island Authors will be reading from their children's books.
The Stratford Community Expo promises to be a "one stop shopping" experience which will provide an opportunity to ask questions, register for programs, learn about services available, and enjoy the Stratford Farmers Market and Culture Days events.
Not-for-profit organizations interested in participating in the Stratford Community Expo can contact the Town of Stratford at 902-569-1995 or email [email protected].
Media Contact: Wendy Watts, Community Engagement Coordinator
Town of Stratford
T: (902) 569-1995 E: [email protected]