Media Release: Town Council Meeting Summary (June 13, 2018)
Posted on 06/13/2018

Media Release: June 13, 2018 Council Meeting Summary

For Immediate Release: June 13, 2018

The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council.

Water's Cool Artwork Competition

Council recognized the winning artwork that was submitted by grade five students who participated in the Town's annual water school calendar art contest. The Town of Stratford and Stratford Area Watershed Group are proud to have recently completed the 7th year of water school, also known as "Water's Cool", which is an annual water conservation/watershed education program for grade five students. To date approximately 2,300 students have participated in the program over the years. The artwork is featured in each month of the school calendar that is distributed to all of the students at Glen Stewart Primary and Stratford Elementary schools as well as the participating classes from Donagh and Vernon River schools. The following students were recognized:

Calendar Cover & May 2019 -Dora Long
July 2018 -Hannah Murphy
August 2018 -Kayden McGuigan
September 2018 -Belle Panton
October 2018 -Summer Wood
November 2018 -Morgan Coffin

December 2018 -Abby Vos
January 2019 -Sarah Lou
February 2019 -Daniel Chubbs
March 2019 -Cheyenne Pollard
April 2019 -Mya Beaulieu
June 2019 -Petra Klimes

Municipal Government Act Bylaws
Under the new Municipal Government Act a number of bylaws are required by municipalities. This evening Council approved 2nd reading and adoption of a Grants and Donations Bylaw (Bylaw #38) which is required to enable the Town of Stratford to provide grants, donations, municipal property tax rebates or in-kind contributions to organizations or individuals. Council also approved 2nd reading and adoption of the Fees Bylaw (Bylaw #39) which is required for the Town to charge fees for licenses, permits, programs, facility rentals and other matters, and applies to any person or organization upon whom a fee is imposed under this bylaw. The Reserve Bylaw (Bylaw #41) also saw 2nd reading and adoption approved. This bylaw is required to allow Council the ability to set aside money for a specific purpose. Examples include a Town Capital Reserve to plan for replacement and maintenance of capital assets, a Watershed Reserve to allow for the rehabilitation of watersheds in our community, and an Election Reserve to provide for the costs necessary for holding municipal elections. A Grants and Donations Policy has also been established and was adopted during the meeting.

Supplementary Capital Budget
A supplementary capital budget was approved in the amount of $900,000 which includes three projects:

  • the purchase of land and the extension of Michael Thomas Way, to preserve the vision for the waterfront core area and add to the parkland dedication for the subdivision of the Southport Motel property to create additional green space on the waterfront for present and future residents to enjoy at a cost of $850,000
  • The renovation of the Stratford Town Centre gymnasium entrance area to enable extended access to recreation, culture and event program registrations and facility bookings for $24,500
  • Contribution towards the cost of post and lantern style street lighting in the Foxwoods Sustainable Subdivision, where underground wiring is being installed, equal to the amount of savings incurred by the town for the avoided rental of overhead street lighting in the amount of $25,500.

Loan Renewal Approved
A resolution was approved to award a loan for the remaining 5 years of the loan from construction of Stratford Town Centre to TD Bank who provided the best rate at 2.99% after proposals were received from two financial institutions following the Town's request made to six financial institutions to respond with their best rates.

Condominium Development Approved
An application from Marshall MacPherson Ltd. for a 48 unit condominium development was approved. The development will see two 18 unit, 3 storey buildings and one 12 unit, 3 storey building constructed on Shakespeare Drive.

Stratford Elementary School
Council granted approval for a building permit to be issued for the expansion of Stratford Elementary School subject to the conditions of the building permit which includes a commitment from the Province of PEI to complete upgrades to the intersection of Glen Stewart Drive and Stratford Road by July 1, 2019.

Emergency Services Facility
Stratford Town Council approved an application from the Town of Stratford and Cross Roads Rural Community Fire Department to construct a 27,255 sq.ft. Emergency Services Building on parcel number 289264 located on the Georgetown Road.


For more information please contact:

Robert Hughes, CAO
Phone: (902) 569-1995
Email: [email protected]